The Feature Magazine


We build communities through excellent reading

The Feature Magazine

Over   the   past two years, The Magazine has been   actively engaged in various initiatives, amplifying our voice and efforts towards specific causes. Among the initiatives, we take immense pride in the following:

  1. Top 50 Memorable Women: In 2022, we initiated a campaign inviting our readers from near and far to nominate women who, through their work and dedication, have significantly impacted their communities and the nation at large. This initiative aimed to recognize and bring prestige to women going above   and   beyond   their   daily   roles,   setting   an   example   for   change   in   the communities they serve. In 2023, we experienced an even more substantial response, with over 500 nominations. We believe this initiative not only benefits the recipients but also propels the magazine forward in a significant way.


  1. Women’s Rights   and   Human   Rights:  In   December   2023,   we   launched   our   first humanitarian   campaign   dedicated   to   advocating   for   the   rights   of   women   worldwide   and promoting the broader message of human rights. This was not merely a one-off campaign with a couple of social media  posts;  rather, we  dedicated  our entire  November 2023  issue  to this crucial cause. The issue covered topics such as human trafficking, the rights of sex workers, and highlighted two organizations tirelessly supporting abused women and victims of various human rights violations. These initiatives reflect our commitment to fostering positive change, elevating the voices of women,   and   addressing   critical   human   rights   issues through our   platform. We   strive   to go beyond   traditional   media   approaches,   dedicating   entire   issues   to   create   meaningful conversations and drive awareness on these important subjects.


  1. Youth Issue 2022: In commemoration of South Africa’s Youth Month in June, we dedicated an entire issue to reflect on the progress of black communities since the historical June 16th, 1976 student uprising, marked by tragic events where many high school children lost their lives. Our aim was to provide   a comprehensive   portrayal of   the   diverse stories   within the   young demographic. We   featured   narratives   of   individuals   who   successfully   graduated secured careers, as well as those who faced the challenges of unemployment and struggled as graduates. This issue served as a platform to celebrate achievements, acknowledge ongoing struggles, and shed light on the varied experiences of the youth in South Africa

We Build a Better Tomorrow

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Women Featured

Our Vision

The Feature Magazine’s overarching vision is to spotlight women making significant impacts across various industries. What sets us apart is our dual commitment as an NGO and our meticulous curation of content. While mainstream women’s magazines often focus on celebrity news, we prioritize showcasing women’s experiences to inspire a nationwide audience. Our aim is to facilitate, support, and inspire through diverse and relevant content pillars, fostering societal empowerment beyond gender and age boundaries. 

Our Values

  • NGO Commitment: We are committed to being an NGO, driven by the belief that true societal change should not be contingent on monetary compensation. Our mission is fuelled by passion and dedication to making a positive impact.


  • Youth Focus: Recognizing the youth as the future, we focus on empowering and addressing the disenfranchisement faced by the youth in the socio-political climate of South Africa.


  • LGBTQ+ Inclusivity: We actively work to dispel negative connotations surrounding the LGBTQ+ community, advocating for equal respect for all forms of love.


  • Mental Health Advocacy: We shine a light on mental health and illness, especially within the POC community, aiming to contribute to the ongoing discourse around mental well-being.


  • Female Empowerment: Our core focus is on the experiences of women, fostering female empowerment without alienating the male demographic. We celebrate women’s achievements across various industries, challenging societal narratives.

About Us

The Magazine is a non-profit digital women’s magazine dedicated to capturing the essence of the contemporary South African woman. Launched just over two year ago, our publication delves into a diverse range of topics that resonate with the South African context. Read more

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